What is CASIO Teacher Point (CT Point)?
Earn points with your educational activities
Receive special prizes by earning points
*Points for holding workshops will be provided after validation by CASIO
How to Earn and Use CT Point?
CT Points are given by the rule below. Please note that points will be added to My Page in several days.
Workshop |
Actions | Points Awarded |
Answer a questionnaire | 10pt |
Hold a workshop | 100pt |
Other |
Actions | Points Awarded |
User Registration | 100pt |
Answer a questionnaire from CASIO | 10pt |
Teaching Materials |
Actions | Points Awarded |
Download a teaching material | 1pt |
Upload a lesson plan | 200pt |
Upload an activity | 100pt |
Upload worksheet(s) | 50pt |
Write a review | 10pt |
Receive a good satisfaction rating | 3 stars: 1pt 4 stars: 3pt 5 stars: 5pt |
Your teaching material is downloaded | 10pt every 10 times |
A CASIO watch such as G-SHOCK will be given to the top 5 people in each country
who earn the most points during Term 3.
(1st /Jan. /2020 ~ 10th /Mar. /2020)
11th/Mar./2020 ~
To be announced
What is the Validity Period of CT Points Earned?
CT Points are valid for the period of time below, and those who earn the most points during the term will be given a prize.
- Term 1:
- 1st/May/2019 ~ 31st/July/2019
- Term 2:
- 1st/Aug./2019 ~ 31st/Dec./2019
- Term 3:
- 1st/Jan./2020 ~ 10th/Mar./2020
- Term 4:
- 11th/Mar./2020 - 7th/Dec./2020
How to Check CT Points Earned?
Go to Member Login page then click on "Check My CT Points".