Calculadora Científica fx-991CW - Área de un Triángulo Vectores
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Algebra / variables
- Model
- Others
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Others / Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6,Others
- Difficulty
- ★
- Author
- Casio Official
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment
Funciones Calculadora Científica fx-991CW
By CASIO Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Learning Math / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / .pdf / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers / integers
- Model
- Others
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Others / Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Difficulty
- ★
- Author
- Casio Official
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment
Funciones Calculadora Graficadora fx-CP400
By CASIO Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Learning Math / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / .pdf / 6 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers / integers
- Model
- Others
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Others / Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Difficulty
- ★
- Author
- Casio Official
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Importante este tipo de material para conocer todo lo que se puede hacer con la calculadora graficadora.
Funciones Calculadora Graficadora fx-CG50
By CASIO Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Learning Math / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / .pdf / 6 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers / integers
- Model
- Others
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Others / Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Difficulty
- ★
- Author
- Casio Official
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Funciones Calculadora Científica fx-82CW
By CASIO Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Learning Math / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / .pdf / 5 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers / integers
- Model
- Others
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Others / Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Difficulty
- ★
- Author
- Casio Official
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Invers Matrix of Electric Circuit Equation
What's this material?
- Material
- Activity with answers / Others / Indonesian / .pdf / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Algebra / matrices
- Model
- fx-9860G III / Others
- Country/Grade
- Indonesia / Others / Grade Others
- Difficulty
- ★★★
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Vektori - nastavni plan za cas
By Radmila
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Practice for Examination / Serbia / .ppt(x) / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Geometry / vectors
- Model
- fx-991EX or fx-570EX
- Country/Grade
- Serbia / Secondary / Grade 1,Others
- Difficulty
- ★~★★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment
Rad sa vektorima korišćenjem kalkulatora CASIO fx-991EX
Sve je jasno i lepo objašnjeno, a dati su i primeri za vežbanje sa rezultatima koji treba da se dobiju u domaćim zadacima.
Nastavni plan za cas - Kvadratne jednačine
By Radmila
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan (only problems) / Exercise / Learning Math / Serbia / .ppt(x) / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Algebra / equations and inequalities / Quadratic functions and formula
- Model
- fx-991EX or fx-570EX / fx-991RSX
- Country/Grade
- Serbia / Secondary / Grade 2
- Difficulty
- ★~★★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
U prezentaciji je prikazan način rešavanja kvadratnih jednačina korišćenjem kalkulatora.
Evaluación de proyectos de inversión
By Casio Latinoamérica
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Real Life / STEM / Practice for Examination / Problem Solving / Others / Spanish(Latin) / .pdf / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers / money and financial mathematics / financial mathematics / money
- Model
- ClassPadⅡ fx-CP400 / ClasspPad330 PLUS or ClassPad330
- Country/Grade
- Latin America / University / Grade 2,3,4
- Difficulty
- ★★★
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Cuando el gerente financiero de una empresa debe decidir entre proyectos de inversión, es necesario evaluar la rentabilidad de cada proyecto mediante la evaluación de los flujos de caja proyectados. En este documento se abordan aspectos teóricos y conceptuales con respecto al tema. Además se presentan los principales métodos de evaluación, tales como: tasa interna de retorno, valor actual neto, valor futuro neto, valor futuro de los flujos de efectivo, tasa de crecimiento del patrimonio.
AUTOR: Jean-Pierre Marcaillou
By Marcial
Excelente Material de apoyo y referencia.
Felicitaciones por la profundidad técnica del contenido y desarrollo.
Calculadora Casio | ¿Original o Falsa? iÉchale un vistazo!
What's this material?
Author's comment
By Marcial
Me encantó el video. Muy ilustrativo.
No hay como una CASIO original.