Cuadernillo de Actividades Matemáticas - Universidad
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Activity with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Real Life / Practice for Examination / Problem Solving / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / .pdf / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Algebra
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / University / Grade 1,2,3,4
- Difficulty
- ★~★★★
- Author
- Casio Official
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment
El propósito que se fijó en elaborar este cuadernillo de trabajo en el uso y manejo de la calculadora científica fx-991CW, es para facilitar la práctica pedagógica de las matemáticas en estudiantes de nivel superior, entendiéndolas como actividades lúdicas para disfrutar el aprendizaje de esta asignatura.
Cuadernillo de Cálculo Diferencial - Límites
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Worksheet with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Problem Solving / Others / Spanish(Mexico) / .pdf / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Calculus
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Vocational College / Grade 3,Others
- Difficulty
- ★~★★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment
Casio Educación México en colaboración con Prepa IBERO Puebla ponen a su disposición este cuadernillo de actividades, pensado para incorporar el uso de herramientas tecnológicas en la clase de matemáticas.
Određeni iIntegrali
By Radmila
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan (only problems) / Exercise / Serbia / .ppt(x) / more than 10 Pages
- Keywords
- Calculus / integrals / definite integral
- Model
- fx-991EX or fx-570EX / fx-991RSX
- Country/Grade
- Serbia / Secondary / Grade 4
- Difficulty
- ★~★★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Rešavanje određenih integrala - zadaci

Máximos y mínimos de una función - Math2Me
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Real Life / Practice for Examination / Problem Solving / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Calculus / derivatives
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Vocational College / Grade 1,2,3
- Difficulty
- ★~★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment

Operaciones con números - Daniel Carreón
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Practice for Examination / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Vocational Secondary / Grade 1,2,3
- Difficulty
- ★~★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment

Área del Pentágono - Daniel Carreón
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Practice for Examination / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers
- Model
- fx-82CW or fx-350CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Primary / Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Difficulty
- ★~★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment

Ecuaciones lineales y cuadráticas - Math2Me
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Practice for Examination / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Algebra
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Vocational College / Grade 1,2,3
- Difficulty
- ★~★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment

¿Cómo encontrar el MCD? - Pasos por Ingeniería
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Practice for Examination / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Numbers
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Secondary / Grade 1,2,3
- Difficulty
- ★~★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- For Casio Teacher Members
Author's comment

Sistema de Ecuaciones por Sustitución - Pasos por Ingeniería
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
- Material
- Lesson Plan with answers and teacher notes / Exercise / Learning Math / Practice for Examination / Spanish(Mexico) / 1 Pages
- Keywords
- Algebra
- Model
- fx-991CW or fx-570CW
- Country/Grade
- Mexico / Vocational Secondary / Grade 1,2,3
- Difficulty
- ★~★★
- Author
- Casio Authorize
- Publish to
- To All
Author's comment
Cuadernillo de Actividades Matemáticas - Medio Superior
By Casio Educación México
What's this material?
Author's comment
El presente cuadernillo presenta una secuencia de actividades matemáticas para fortalecer los conocimientos adquiridos en el nivel medio superior. Así mismo, busca mostrar cómo incorporar la calculadora científica en la clase de matemáticas.